
Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans

A shocking video of a 13-year-old transgender student brutally attacking a 12-year-old female student at Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans viral on social media. The video clearly shows the violent behavior of the transgender student, continuously beating the victim and shouting “I will kill you”. The incident caused a wave of outrage from parents and the community about school safety. Let’s watch this shocking video and the initial reactions on

Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans
Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans

Details Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans

The shocking video, which has gone viral, captures the disturbing incident that unfolded at Pennbrook Middle School on Wednesday. It shows a 13-year-old transgender student viciously attacking a 12-year-old female student in the school cafeteria. The assailant can be seen blindsiding the victim, striking her on the head with a Stanley cup, causing an open wound that required hospitalization and staples to close.

The video provides a chilling glimpse into the violence, with the attacker repeatedly shouting, “I’m gonna murder you!” as the victim cowers in fear. Despite the pleas of other students, the assault continues for several minutes, with the transgender student relentlessly raining down blows on the helpless victim.

As the video spread across social media and local news outlets, it sparked outrage among parents, students, and the community. Many expressed disbelief and anger at the level of violence displayed, questioning how such an incident could occur within the confines of a school.

“I’m horrified and disgusted by what I saw in that video,” said one parent, whose child attends Pennbrook Middle School. “No child should ever feel unsafe or be subjected to such brutality in a place that’s supposed to be a safe learning environment.”

Details Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans
Details Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans

In response to the video’s release, the school district immediately launched an investigation into the incident. Superintendent Todd Bauer stated that the district was cooperating fully with law enforcement and that appropriate disciplinary measures would be taken against the attacker.

“We take incidents of violence extremely seriously,” Bauer said in a statement. “The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority, and we will not tolerate any behavior that compromises that.”

The video has reignited concerns about school safety and the district’s ability to protect its students from violence. Parents and community members have criticized the school’s handling of the situation, questioning why warnings about the attacker’s behavior were not addressed more proactively.

“This incident highlights the need for stronger policies and procedures when it comes to addressing bullying and potential threats,” said Susan Dziedzic, a concerned parent. “The school district needs to take a hard look at how they can better ensure the safety of all students.”

Details Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans
Details Video Pennbrook Middle School Fight Trans
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