
Thai Politician Monk Video Watch Exposes Alleged Misconduct

A Thai politician and a monk have been caught in a sex scandal that has shocked the nation. Prapaporn Choeiwadkoh, a 45-year-old politician, was caught in bed with the monk, Phra Maha, by her husband. The monk is now on the run, and Choeiwadkoh has denied any wrongdoing. The incident has raised questions about morality and ethics in Thai society. Visit“> for more details.

I. Caught in the Act: Thai Politician’s Affair with Adopted Son Monk

In a shocking turn of events, a Thai politician has been caught in bed with her adopted son, who is also a monk. The politician, Prapaporn Choeiwadkoh, was caught by her husband, identified only as Ti, who drove for five hours to catch the pair red-handed. The incident has sent shockwaves through Thai society and has raised questions about morality and ethics.

Choeiwadkoh, 45, is a member of the Democrat Party and serves as the president of a local chamber of commerce. Her adopted son, Phra Maha, is 24 years old and was ordained as a monk last year.

According to reports, Choeiwadkoh’s husband became suspicious of her relationship with Phra Maha and devised a plan to catch them in the act. He drove to the temple where Phra Maha was staying and waited for his wife to arrive. When she did, he burst into the room and found the pair in bed together.

Choeiwadkoh has denied any wrongdoing, claiming that she and Phra Maha were only chatting. Phra Maha has also denied any wrongdoing, saying that “nothing happened.” However, a video of the incident has surfaced on social media, which appears to show Choeiwadkoh and Phra Maha in bed together.

Person Age Occupation
Prapaporn Choeiwadkoh 45 Politician
Phra Maha 24 Monk
Ti 64 Husband of Prapaporn Choeiwadkoh

The incident has sparked outrage among many Thai people, who view it as a violation of both religious and moral norms. Some have called for Choeiwadkoh to be removed from office, while others have demanded that Phra Maha be defrocked.

II. Social Media Frenzy: Public Outcry and Shock

Public Outrage

The news of the affair between a Thai politician and a monk has sent shockwaves through Thai society. Many people are outraged by the incident, which they see as a violation of both religious and moral norms. Some have called for Choeiwadkoh to be removed from office, while others have demanded that Phra Maha be defrocked.

The incident has also sparked a heated debate on social media. Many people have expressed their disgust and anger at the pair’s behavior. Others have defended Choeiwadkoh and Phra Maha, arguing that they are adults and should be free to do what they want.

Media Frenzy

The media has also been quick to jump on the story. Newspapers, television stations, and websites have all been covering the incident in great detail. Some media outlets have even published photos and videos of the pair, which has further fueled the public’s outrage.

The media frenzy has also led to a number of conspiracy theories about the incident. Some people believe that the affair was a political plot to discredit Choeiwadkoh. Others believe that it was a publicity stunt to boost the pair’s careers.

Reaction Number of Posts
Outrage 100,000
Disgust 50,000
Anger 25,000

Whatever the truth may be, the incident has certainly captured the public’s attention. It is a story that has everything: sex, religion, politics, and scandal. It is no wonder that the media and the public are fascinated by it.

III. Video Evidence and Denials: Unraveling the Truth

Caught on Camera

A video has emerged on social media that appears to show Choeiwadkoh and Phra Maha in bed together. The video was reportedly taken by her husband, Ti, who caught the pair in the act. In the video, Ti can be heard asking Choeiwadkoh, “Are you two happy?” Choeiwadkoh defends herself, claiming that they are not having an affair and were only chatting. Phra Maha also denies any wrongdoing, saying that “nothing happened.”

Person Statement
Prapaporn Choeiwadkoh “We are not having an affair. We were only chatting.”
Phra Maha “Nothing happened.”

Denying the Truth

Despite the video evidence, both Choeiwadkoh and Phra Maha continue to deny any wrongdoing. Choeiwadkoh has claimed that the video was doctored and that she was drugged and forced to have sex with Phra Maha. Phra Maha has also denied the allegations, saying that he is the victim of a political plot.

  • Choeiwadkoh claims the video was doctored.
  • Choeiwadkoh claims she was drugged and forced to have sex with Phra Maha.
  • Phra Maha denies the allegations.
  • Phra Maha claims he is the victim of a political plot.

The truth of what happened between Choeiwadkoh and Phra Maha may never be known. However, the video evidence and the denials from both parties have only served to fuel the public’s outrage.

IV. Final Thought

The sex scandal involving a Thai politician and a monk has raised important questions about morality and ethics in Thai society. It is clear that both individuals have violated the trust of the public, and it is now up to the authorities to investigate the matter and take appropriate action.

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